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Stumfilmsdagar: The Man Without A World

mån 22 aug.


House of Possibilitas

Stumfilm med livemusik komponerad och framförd av klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals och pianist/kompositör Donald Sosin.

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Stumfilmsdagar: The Man Without A World
Stumfilmsdagar: The Man Without A World

Tid och plats

22 aug. 2022 18:00

House of Possibilitas, Granåsgatan 2, 422 44 Hisings Backa, Sverige

Om eventet

THE  MAN WITHOUT A WORLD is credited to the legendary (and imaginary) 1920s  Soviet director Yevgeny Antinov. But the film is anything but old. In  fact, Antinov is the creation of contemporary filmmaker Eleanor Antin,  who made the film in 1991 as an homage to the silent era and a love  letter to her mother, a former actress in the Yiddish theater of Poland.  In a Polish shtetl at the turn of the 20th century, the villagers  struggle with both the antisemitism of the wider world and political  infighting within their own community. Against this backdrop, two  star-crossed lovers — merchant's daughter Rukheleh (Christine Berry) and  impoverished Yiddish poet Zevi (Pier Marton) — seek happiness. But many  obstacles come between them.

Eventet genomförs i samarbete med All My Friends Are Stars. 

Från 18 år.

Med stöd av Sunrise Foundation for Education and the Arts, Göteborgs Stad, Västra Götalandsregionen, Folkuniversitetet.


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Granåsgatan 2 | 422 44 Hisings Backa

031-352 92 99

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